While diffusion contrast is typically set by the b-value and gradient orientation of conventional diffusion-gradient waveforms, our multidimensional diffusion (MDD) acquisitions yield a more specific diffusion contrast that also varies with the shape of a diffusion-encoding b-tensor.
In other words, MDD acquisitions extend conventional diffusion encoding (linear b-tensors) to complementary diffusion encodings (e.g. spherical or planar b-tensors), thereby enabling the definition of measures of microstructural heterogeneity.
dVIEWR draws the full potential of MDD sequences, available on request for multiple scanner platforms (e.g. Siemens, Philips, GE, United Imaging). A list of currently available sequences can be found here. To obtain the MDD sequences on your system, please contact support@dviewr.com.

spin-dephasing vector q yielding spherical diffusion encoding.